
authenticate(request, response)

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                      HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE);

        if (authenticate(request, response) == true) {}

 private boolean authenticate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        boolean isLogin = false;        

        try {
            ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.xx.mil.application.xxx.HttpConnection");
            String uid = bundle.getString("username");
            String pwd = bundle.getString("password");

            String authentication = request.getHeader("Authorization");

            if (authentication != null) {
                String userpass = Base64.decode(authentication.substring(6));
                String username = userpass.substring(0,userpass.indexOf(":"));
                String password = userpass.substring(userpass.indexOf(":") + 1);

                if (username.equals(uid) && password.equals(pwd)) {
                    isLogin = true;
        catch (Exception e) {
             try {
                PrintWriter out = (PrintWriter) response.getWriter();

//                Logger.logError(e.getClass().getName(), e);
                logger.logError(logAction + ":" + e.getMessage());

                SendEmail mail = new SendEmail();
            catch(Exception ex) {}
        return isLogin;

//return true; //Set true for debug





    节点API模板验证Bearer Header authenticate ... get ( '' , authenticate ( ) , async ( req : Request , res : Response ) =&gt; {// handle request here...} ) ;通过身份验证到角色中间件// typescriptimport { authen


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    ps:我还没测试。 信息来源:H4×0r’s Blog 代码如下:bOtherUser = False...Response.Addheader “WWW-AuThenticate”, “BASIC” If Request.ServerVariables(“AUTH_USER”) = “” Then Response.End() 

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    ②使用Fiddler监听请求,可以看到在未进行认证或认证失败的情况下,服务端会返回401 Unauthorized给客户端,并附带Challenge(质询),即在Response Header中添加WWW-Authenticate标头,浏览器识别到Basic后弹出...


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    if ($request-&gt;ajax() || $request-&gt;wantsJson()) { return response('Unauthorized.', 401); } else { return redirect()-&gt;guest($guard.'/login'); } } 里面,对于检测到用户未登录,重定向到登录页面,使用...

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    Contents About the Author...............................................................................................xix About the Technical Reviewer and Contributing Author.................xxi ...

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